Open Road Kid's Church

Mini-Chopper Room

Mini-Choppers (K - 5th):

Generosity is more than giving gifts and money. Generosity starts in your heart. Think about what God’s already given to you and be grateful for it. Once you recognize all that you have, look for ways to share it with others.

If you have money, be wise with it to help you be generous. If you have time, toys, clothes, or anything else, give it to others who need it, even if it’s a sacrifice that’s hard for you to make. 

God already gave us the most generous gift ever in His Son, Jesus. Be generous in doing whatever you can to help people who can’t give you anything in return. When you do that, you’re giving a gift back to God.

Be generous. Be happy about giving and sharing what you have.

Click here for documents:  Konnect Card 

Tiny Tykes (pre-K): 

It’s Christmas! Let’s celebrate Jesus’ birthday by being givers like God! God sent Jesus as a very special Christmas present to the world. Jesus saves us and shows us God’s love. Celebrate His birthday and give to others to show God’s love!  

Join us in our series, The First Christmas Gift - Jesus is Born.

Week 4:  God loves to us because He loves us. Take your present from Him, and say, "Thank You!" Will you keep it all to yourself or give it to others?

I'm a giver when... I given what God's given me!

Click here for documents:  Adventure Book

Click here for documents: Parent Conversation Card

Event Related Documents

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am