The Good Life

Hangar 316

Do teenagers want to live the good life? Of course they do—we all do! But which version? The traveling influencer? The star athlete? The brilliant artist? Something new and different than what most people think? No matter what version teenagers hope for, many students are looking for help with figuring out how to find it. In this series, we’ll learn how the Holy Spirit helps us to experience more of the life we were created to live. And throughout this five week series, teenagers may just discover a version of life, and a way to do high school, that is better than they ever could have imagined.

In this series, we’ve been talking all about fruit. Not the food kind, but the supernatural kind. One of the ways we see the fruit of God’s Spirit in and around us is by asking this question: Where did you see God today? But here’s the problem, though: It’s not always easy to see God. Or it’s not easy to see these characteristics of God in the world around us. What if God actually wants more for us when it comes to how we see other people? What if we could start experiencing more of the good life by beginning to see more of the good in other people?

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am