Upcoming Events

The Patterns of Jesus

July 28, 2024 • 10:00am |Worship Center

This four-part series, The Patterns of Jesus, challenges us to follow the patterns of Jesus. To do so, we must learn to adopt the spiritual disciplines Jesus practiced. In the next few weeks, we will focus on a different discipline from the life of Jesus.

If we want to pattern our lives after Jesus, we must learn to walk slowly with him and learn from his teaching.

Man Church - Men of Courage

August 6, 2024 • 6:00pm |The Stable
When men begin honoring God by surrendering their hearts and lives to Him, the entire family changes... and when whole families change through a husband & father living these values and beliefs daily, it creates a priceless legacy that will resonate for years to come.

Join us for Man Church @ The Stable where you'll receive a...

  • Manly Meal (6:00 pm): FREE Burgers & Chips!
  • Manly Music(6:30 pm): Awesome Worship Music!
  • Manly Message: Word from the Lord via Scott Teutsch, Senior Pastor at Trinity Heights!

For guys of ALL ages (12-120), so make sure to bring a friend!

If you can't make it, catch the live stream on Facebook.

For guys of ALL ages (12-120), so make sure to bring a friend!   Check out Men Of Courage LA on Facebook for more info and updates...

Woman Church - Women of Courage

August 8, 2024 • 6:00pm |The Stable

Real Women, Real Worship, Real Word!  

Mission: To encourage, equip, & empower women of any background to be sold out and surrendered to God. 

Tell the men they are in charge for the evening and head over to the Stable...

Head out to gather together with other women from the area for some fellowship, food, and a timely word from a lady of God - Kelli Waller.

So save the date, bring your Bible, and join up for Woman Church at The Stable.

  • Free Meal!
  • Awesome Worship!
  • Powerful & encouraging message!

For women of ALL ages (12-120), so make sure to bring a friend! 

Check out Women Of Courage LA on Facebook for more info.

Back To School Worship Night

August 9, 2024 • 6:30pm |Eastwood Baptist Church

It's time for our students to head back to school. This time is prime for God to do amazing things in their lives, but also, our enemy wants to come and steal, kill, and destroy all that God wants to do.

That is why the Church needs to come together to worship our great God and pray for our schools' students, teachers, administrators, and support staff. 

Join Open Road Fellowship Church and Eastwood Baptist Church at Eastwood for a night of worship, prayer, and commissioning of our students. It is a night of the capital "C" Church coming together in unity to see the 2024-25 school year be for God's glory.

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am