Do you struggle with __________? You fill in the blank. Yes, Jesus is the answer, but do you need help figuring out how to make that happen? You've heard it said... You can't go toward your future until you settle your past, but do you believe it? The only way we will begin to change is to bring people into our lives that love us, and that want to see us succeed. We believe life change happens in the context of relationships. PitStops have one simple purpose: to bring people together. God created us to live in community with others, and it is only then that we can experience the full life He intends for us.
PitStops meet once a week in locations all around our area. We believe there is a group out there for you! If you are interested in hosting a PitStop, contact Raymond, at
PitStops will begin January 27th - so keep checking back to see when yours is ready for you to sign up.
Current Pitstops available:
Eternity Sisters (Tuesday morning @ 10am)
Open Road Men (Tuesday evening @ 6pm)
Hearts and Hands (Wednesday evening @ 6pm)
Sunday Night Pitstop (Sunday evening @6pm)
Monday Morning Bible Study (Monday morning 7am)
This six-part series, Ordinary People, Extraordinary God, looks at the lives of ordinary people God used in extraordinary ways. By the end of the series, members of the congregation will be confident that God can do great things through them too.
No matter what environment we find ourselves in, we must serve God’s people faithfully. The name ‘Obadiah’ means ‘servant of Yahweh,’ indicating an assertion of faith and devotion to Yahweh. His formal position in the royal apparatus is ‘in charge of the palace,’ suggesting that he holds a very prominent and influential position in the government. He is a deeply devoted Yahwist and a loyal follower of Elijah. Thus he is for the prophetic movement an inside figure, ostensibly serving Ahab but in fact serving precisely the cause that means to subvert and delegitimate the king who practices Baalism.Let's Ride!!...
February 9th is the 2nd Sunday of the month. If you are new to Open Road Fellowship, that's when we jump on our bikes and head out as a group right after church for a nice ride. It's an opportunity for us to grab some good food and enjoy some fellowship as we take some time to get to know one another. The direction we head is always an adventure but geared to provide a relaxing time out on the bikes. Invite your friends; maybe a nice ride might be what motivates them to come to church. Hey, and if you don't ride, don't let that stop you from enjoying the day...just hop in your car and follow along.
North, south, east, or west... no matter where we head, you are sure to enjoy the ride. So, come join us for our next 2nd Sunday ride!
Serving on Sunday is great, but out in the community is where we are truly called to be. So, it's time to get out and on Saturday, February 15th, we will be heading down to Coushatta. We will have our next church-wide serve day at the Abbie Lane Pastor's Retreat Center, a place that has an impactful ministry in helping pastors rest and recover. We will help them out with various projects around the property as needed... the work doesn't matter - the blessing does.
BEAST FEAST Wild Game Dinner & Outdoor Event!!!
So, save the date and join us for Man Church @ The Stable
Join us for one of the area's largest tailgate parties with tons of Food, Boats, RV's. ATV's, Give-aways plus so much more!
For guys of ALL ages (12-120), so make sure to bring a friend! Check out Men of Courage - Beast Feast and Men Of Courage LA on FaceBook for more info and updates...
It's 5th Sunday time! Plan on staying with us following service for an afternoon of great food and fellowship. We have some great cooks, so join us as we chow down together on some fine "vittles." The day should be nice, so plan on making it a lazy day sitting around visiting, maybe having that extra piece of dessert.
Guys, let's show our guests a great day. Dust off those recipes and let's overflow the tables with your best dish. Head over to Mealtrain (click here) to let us know what you can bring.
The Open Road Growth Track exists to help you discover and develop your redemptive purpose and live the full life God created for you. The Open Road Growth Track is made up of four steps to guide you through this journey:
Make sure and register here, because Lunch is provided.