Ordinary People, Extraordinary God

Sunday, February 9, 2025 • 10:00am-12:00pm

Worship Center

This six-part series, Ordinary People, Extraordinary God, looks at the lives of ordinary people God used in extraordinary ways. By the end of the series, members of the congregation will be confident that God can do great things through them too.

No matter what environment we find ourselves in, we must serve God’s people faithfully. The name ‘Obadiah’ means ‘servant of Yahweh,’ indicating an assertion of faith and devotion to Yahweh. His formal position in the royal apparatus is ‘in charge of the palace,’ suggesting that he holds a very prominent and influential position in the government. He is a deeply devoted Yahwist and a loyal follower of Elijah. Thus he is for the prophetic movement an inside figure, ostensibly serving Ahab but in fact serving precisely the cause that means to subvert and delegitimate the king who practices Baalism.

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am